Vincent J. Reilly is the founder and content creator of Incarnating the Kerygma. He also serves as the Director of Faith Formation at St. Catherine Catholic Church in Orange Park, Florida and an instructor in the Ministry Formation Program for the Diocese of St. Augustine. Vincent has a passion for proclaiming the kerygma and making complex teachings of the Catholic faith more understandable and relatable. During his time at St. Catherine, he has developed a comprehensive kerygmatic catechesis process including a retreat, youth and adult formation programs, Parish Neighborhood Communities, and sacramental preparation programs for the parish. In 2019, he received the Sr. Marie Celinie Joubert Catechetical Award for excellence in forming the faithful from the Diocese of St. Augustine. He has a M.A. in Theology from the University of Notre Dame and a B.A. in Theology from the Catholic University of America. He has been married for 15 years and lives in Orange Park.
Articles Authored by Vincent J. Reilly
“Keeping Christ in Christmas” in St. Augustine Catholic
published in the November/December 2019 issue
“Lent: A time of preparation for new life” in St. Augustine Catholic
published in the January/February 2020 issue
“The Clear Message of Christus Vivit” in Church Life Journal
published April 10, 2019
“Preaching Kerygma” in Church Life Journal
published January 24, 2017
“Evangelizing the Catechized: The Indispensable Role of Kerygma in the New Evangelization and the Development of a Kerygmatic Catechesis” for the National Community of Catechetical Leaders
2016 NCCL White Paper